Irakurketa soziohistorikoa erlatibozko egitura ez-estandarren jatorriaz eta bilakabideaz
Artikulu honetan zein ereduko erlatibozko perpausen erabilera eta bilakabidea dugu aztergai, indar berezia egiten izenordaina sistematikoki argumentuaren kasu-marka edozein izanda ere modu berean markatzen duten egiturak azaltzeko. Egitura ez-estandar hori ez da agertzen testu historiko kanonikoetan, baina XVII.-XIX. mendeen artean ohikoa testu-genero jakin batzuetan: gutun pribatuetan, administrazio-agiri -gutunetan, notariotza-agirietan. Bada, soziolinguistika historikoaren ikuspuntu hatsarreak baliatuz, behin-behinean okertzat jo litezkeen egituren jatorria aztergai: egitura ez-estandarraren erabilerak idazle idazlari elebidunen hizkuntza-ezagutzarekin lotu behar direla proposatzen eta, are zehatzago, formulaikoen erabilerarekin imitazio inperfektuarekin.
منابع مشابه
Mathematical thought and its objects
Matematikaren filosofia izan da Charles Parsonsen ikerketa-gaia urte askotan. Harvard Unibertsitateko Edgar Pierce Professor of Philosophy emeritua izanik, jarraitzen du lanean, azken liburu honek erakusten duen moduan. Egia da kapitulu gehienak aurrez publikatutakoak direla baina, Parsonsek berak dioen moduan, guztiak daude berrikusiak, berrituak edo garatuak. Denbora luzez espero izan den lib...
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EZ is a system that integrates the facilities provided separately by traditional programming languages and operating systems. This integration is accomplished by casting services provided by traditional operating services as EZ language features. EZ is a high-level string processing language with a persistent memory. Traditional file and directory services are provided by EZ ’s strings and asso...
متن کاملSupplement to “ The EZ diffusion method : Too EZ ? ”
The material in this supplement was not able to be included in the paper. It is meant for those who would like to know more details of the behavior of the two methods for fitting the diffusion model to data. It concerns some additional discussion of efficiency and accuracy of parameter estimates, a discussion of overfitting, presentation of parameter tradeoffs in the model (showing a very stron...
متن کاملEZ does it! Extensions of the EZ-diffusion model.
In this rejoinder, we address two of Ratcliff's main concerns with respect to the EZ-diffusion model (Ratcliff, 2008). First, we introduce "robust-EZ," a mixture model approach to achieve robustness against the presence of response contaminants that might otherwise distort parameter estimates. Second, we discuss an extension of the EZ model that allows the estimation of starting point as an add...
متن کاملEta and Eta’ Physics
This talk describes the reasons why η and η decays are an interesting topic of study for both theory and experiment. The main part discusses the results of the recent calculation of η → 3π at two-loop order in ChPT. Some puzzling aspects of the results compared to earlier dispersive calculations are highlighted. I also like to remind the reader of the use of η and η decays for studying the anom...
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با ذخیره ی این منبع در منابع من، دسترسی به آن را برای استفاده های بعدی آسان تر کنید
عنوان ژورنال: Uztaro (Bilbo)
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['1130-5738']